Upgrading Your Heating System: Tips for Energy Savings and Improved Comfort

Apr 08, 2024By Jason Sarli
Jason  Sarli

As heating and cooling account for a significant portion of your home or business energy bills, upgrading your heating system can greatly impact your overall utility expenses. An efficient heating system not only saves you money but also provides enhanced comfort, improved air quality, and reduced environmental impact. As experts in heating and air conditioning services, we recognize the importance of investing in the right heating system to meet your specific needs. In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of upgrading your heating system and provide vital tips to help you get the most out of your investment.

Numerous benefits come along with investing in a new, upgraded heating system. These include energy savings, reduced maintenance and repair costs, increased reliability, and the potential for government incentives and rebates. Additionally, an upgraded heating system can significantly improve the overall comfort levels in your home or business due to advanced technologies that allow for better temperature control, reduced noise levels, and improved indoor air quality.

However, it's essential to consider several factors when upgrading your heating system to maximize efficiency, energy savings, and comfort. Assessing your current heating system's efficiency, knowing when it's time to replace, and selecting the right type of heating system for your specific needs are all crucial aspects that we'll explore in detail. As experts in heating systems, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through this decision-making process, ensuring that you invest in the best possible solution for your space.

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the benefits of upgrading your heating system and outline essential factors to consider when making this choice. Whether you're planning on retrofitting an older building or constructing a new one, the team at Sarli Mechanical Services is here to support you in making an informed decision and ensuring the best results for your home or business.

Signs That It's Time to Upgrade Your Heating System

Knowing when to upgrade your heating system is vital to ensuring you are not overspending on energy bills and system maintenance. Below are some telltale signs that indicate it's time for an upgrade:

1. Frequent Repairs: If your heating system requires constant repairs, it may be more cost-effective to invest in a new, more reliable system rather than continuing to pay for fixes.

2. Increased Energy Bills: Rising energy bills may indicate that your heating system is losing its efficiency and using more power to produce the same amount of heat.

3. Uneven Heating: If you notice that some rooms are hotter or colder than others, your current heating system may not be distributing heat evenly, leading to discomfort.

4. Age of the System: Most heating systems have a lifespan of 15-20 years. If your system is nearing or surpassing this age, it's likely time to consider a more efficient upgrade.

Types of Heating Systems to Choose From

There are various types of heating systems available, each with its own set of benefits, drawbacks, and energy-efficiency levels. Some common types of heating systems to consider for your home or business include:

1. Furnaces: Furnaces are a popular choice in the United States and come in different fuel types, including natural gas, propane, and oil. Modern, high-efficiency furnaces can achieve energy efficiency levels between 90% and 98%.

2. Heat Pumps: Heat pumps are highly efficient systems that work by transferring heat from the outside air or ground. They can provide both heating and cooling to your space, making them a versatile and energy-saving option.

3. Boilers: Boilers heat water to provide radiant heating throughout your space. High-efficiency boilers can provide significant energy savings by operating at 90% efficiency or higher.

4. Geothermal Heating: Geothermal heating systems utilize the constant temperature of the earth to heat your space. While they have higher installation costs, they offer tremendous energy savings and longevity, making them an excellent long-term investment.

Factors to Consider When Upgrading Your Heating System

When upgrading your heating system, it's essential to consider various factors to ensure you make the best choice for your specific needs. Some key aspects to consider include:

1. Heating System Size: Proper sizing is crucial for energy efficiency and comfort. An oversized system will cycle on and off frequently, leading to increased wear and tear, while an undersized system will struggle to provide adequate heat. Professional load calculations can help you find the right size system for your space.

2. Energy Efficiency: Make sure to select a heating system with a high Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. The higher the AFUE rating, the more efficient the system and the greater the potential energy savings.

3. Budget and Installation Costs: Consider the costs of the system itself, as well as installation expenses. It's important to factor in potential energy savings and maintenance costs when determining the overall value of your investment.

4. Compatibility with Existing Systems: If you're retrofitting an existing building, ensure that the new heating system is compatible with your current infrastructure, which includes ductwork, electrical systems, and more.

5. Environmental Impact: Consider the ecological footprint of your chosen heating system, including its energy efficiency, fuel type, and potential for carbon emissions. A greener heating system not only reduces your environmental impact but can also save you money in the long run.

Maximizing the Benefits of Your Upgraded Heating System

Once you've selected the appropriate heating system for your space, there are several ways to maximize its benefits and ensure optimal performance:

1. Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine maintenance, including inspections, cleaning, and necessary repairs, to keep your heating system running efficiently and extend its lifespan.

2. Adjust Thermostat Settings: Properly adjusting your thermostat settings can help you save energy while maintaining comfort. Experts recommend setting the thermostat to 68°F in the winter and using programmable thermostats to automatically adjust temperatures when you're away or asleep.

3. Insulate Your Space: Proper insulation helps maintain consistent indoor temperatures, reducing the burden on your heating system and leading to higher energy savings.

4. Seal Air Leaks: Ensure windows, doors, and any other areas prone to drafts are properly sealed to prevent heat loss and improve overall energy efficiency.


Investing in an upgraded heating system can bring numerous benefits, including significant energy savings, improved comfort, and reduced environmental impact. By considering factors such as system type, efficiency, sizing, and costs, you can make an educated decision regarding the ideal heating system for your home or business. At Sarli Mechanical Services, heating and air conditioning contractors, our team of experts is here to guide you through this process and offer the necessary advice and support to ensure optimal results. Contact us today to explore your options and begin your journey towards a more comfortable, energy-efficient space.